\aITEM 380810315 1567001555:Soothsayer's Handguards\/a |
\aITEM 30131402 -1979574737:Soothsayer's Leggings\/a |
\aITEM -1656008731 1822114359:Soothsayer's Shoulder Pads\/a |
\aITEM 424731283 -405852710:Soothsayer's Wristguards\/a |
\aITEM 1726337301 2000186444:[Spiritual Boots from Beyond the Portal]\/a
\aITEM 923336957 -1755220287:[Spiritual Cuirass from Beyond the Portal]\/a
\aITEM -1436729697 503938508:[Spiritual Wristlets from Beyond the Portal]\/a
\aITEM -1740941264 1431469692:[Spiritual Gloves from Beyond the Portal]\/a
\aITEM 2041885299 -1984646109:[Spiritual Leggings from Beyond the Portal]\/a |
\aITEM -794380133 1693645768:[Spiritual Spaulders from Beyond the Portal]\/a |
\aITEM 615934402 1476202165:[Spiritual Coif from Beyond the Portal]\/a |
\aITEM 598217842 -649642376:[Everliving Chestguard Pattern]\/a |
\aITEM -493937482 -587574886:[Everliving Pauldrons Pattern]\/a |
\aITEM -1602894795 -1347759795:[Everliving Leggings Pattern]\/a |
Avatar of Health
\aITEM 1909247058 -2122517544:[Charm of Rodcet Nife]\/a |
\aITEM -2100346808 2125700213:[Belt of the Noble Warrior]\/a |
\aITEM 215672246 -1953808223:[Spiked Ravager Band]\/a |
\aITEM 927060451 -436715802:[Glowing Void-Pearl Bracelet]\/a |
Avatar of Valor
\aITEM -2019524924 -1715463342:[Charm of Mithaniel Marr]\/a |
\aITEM 2095895475 -1984503804:[Void Leather Wrapped Chaps ]\/a |
\aITEM 1776801693 2011444575:Breastplate of Valor\/a |
\aITEM -335950946 -1872826856:Shadow Leggings Pattern\/a |
\aITEM 1186584141 -943456034:Shadow Pauldrons Pattern\/a |
\aITEM -1515621778 -1742637707:Khast's Whistle\/a |