\aITEM -1820065859 950682101:Amulet of the Prime Trajin\/a |
\aITEM 1081505664 727093380:Globe of World Domination\/a |
\aITEM -969741271 903321712:Baleful Caller's Pantaloons of the Plague\/a |
\aITEM 406160074 1336534992:Runed Bracelet of a Fallen God\/a |
\aITEM 11156959 -2133980190:[Ring of Lore and Earth]\/a |
\aITEM 1137564156 2050134624:[Girdle of Aereon]\/a |
\aITEM -1329879710 -220535470:Stud of Fragmented Permafrost\/a |
\aITEM 1770955272 2127238632:Goblin Bladed Chakram\/a
\aITEM -497170776 -2118131070:Ice Chipping Battle Axe\/a |
\aITEM -807367184 1750054099:Locket of Icy Breath\/a |
\aITEM -486979135 -400691635:Neckguard of Ice Drake Bone\/a |
\aITEM 356114619 2123321910:Valkyrie Feathers\/a |
\aITEM 1504714444 2114832416:Axe of the Freezing Winds\/a |
\aITEM 463902194 -1895771292:Earring of Frozen Skulls\/a |
\aITEM -1908101329 -1924405526:Frozen Earstud of the Piercing Heart\/a |
\aITEM 1907856424 -2040187122:Grauf's Pouch of Goodies\/a |
\aITEM 1915178473 -2012779126:Ring of Quickened Freezing\/a |
\aITEM -581412467 -1087283741:Shroud of Ice Crystals\/a |
\aITEM 1104400007 681331424:Snowbeast's Ring of Stalwart\/a |
\aITEM -1351830989 -71037246:Strategic Casting Brace\/a |
\aITEM 1878717426 1767992155:Strategic Hard Brace\/a |
\aITEM 2013766242 -571984376:Strategic Healing Brace\/a |
\aITEM 1404477050 -1398171435:Yeti Fur-lined Cloak of Destruction\/a |
\aITEM -1617323123 -1578817178:Glacial Agent Helm Pattern\/a |