\aITEM 2068287287 -492642229:Tablet of the Lifegiver\/a |
\aITEM 66372285 -444240726:Censer of Syllokk\/a |
\aITEM -89217566 285608364:Bloodied Lance of the Darslayer\/a |
\aITEM -235937016 1749388564:Dragon Bone Belt\/a |
\aITEM -711801203 1007865185:Quicksleeves of Ik\/a |
\aITEM -405949269 -1103915260:Ring of the Schemer\/a |
\aITEM -136428221 -1425086097:Amulet of the Third Emperor\/a |
\aITEM -360693976 -1657297725:Atrebe's Mantle\/a |
\aITEM -1947912008 2133690797:Baton of Suppression\/a |
\aITEM 165402958 929697748:Charm of the Obulus Tribe\/a |
\aITEM -1554253172 825909994:Chottal's Endowed Mace\/a |
\aITEM -615252142 -1040830521:Foreguards of Legion\/a |
\aITEM -1344323049 336276171:Sathirian Ring of Knowledge\/a |
\aITEM 2032088448 -1236386637:Sebilite Scale Gloves\/a |
\aITEM -960222810 987501796:Stud of Syllokk's Devoted\/a |
\aITEM 1029974027 661360831:Veil of the Hallowed\/a |
\aITEM -455598371 -681570544:Voice of the Herald\/a |
\aITEM 543664279 684655722:Band of the Dragon Slayer\/a |
\aITEM 1907053752 -15664982:Chained Claws of Fratricide\/a |
\aITEM 1379139949 685526941:Dragonskin Sleeves\/a |
\aITEM 1898275061 -1262021034:Necklace of Broken Dragon Fangs\/a |
\aITEM -1588930949 861159895:Orb of the Cloud Breaker\/a |
\aITEM 464796282 -1029440545:Sokokar Spur Boots\/a |
\aITEM -1629219140 -1619241704:Amulet of the Deceiver\/a |