\aITEM 1738948602 -604853522:[Shoulderpads of the Arch-Druid]\/a |
\aITEM 578963000 -534041415:[Zhoul]\/a |
\aITEM 1441308474 -865816077:[Hailstorm, the Ice Spike]\/a |
\aITEM -372410948 -105909505:[Lord's Planeswalker Boots]\/a |
\aITEM -1263412862 -1434832017:Edgewalker Chainmail Leggings\/a |
\aITEM -1115036754 -1065050980:[Heartbreaker Bracelet]\/a |
\aITEM -1366747303 1239119036:[Wild Yeti-furred Spaulders]\/a |
\aITEM 1208853702 -1678823637:Diamond Rod\/a |
\aITEM 1015701991 -996035977:Fiery Axe of Unending War\/a |
\aITEM 1804537616 -1027389571:Strength of the Di'Zok\/ |
\aITEM 1082116766 -77665598:Censer of Celestial Alignment\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Inferno Pearl] x3
\aITEM -1774622112 1581875134:Boots of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Pyre Saphire] x3
\aITEM -902656818 37918992:Pants of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Dragons Eye] x3
\aITEM -1918361726 780064039:Gloves of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Magma Diamond] x3
\aITEM -1578564908 1771640586:Tunic of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Crystalised Phospherous] x3
\aITEM -1851723396 795685228:Skullcap of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Living Ember] x3
\aITEM 1267976010 670056973:Wristguards of Intuitive Grace\/a |
[Charred Pattern]
[Lava Ruby] x3
\aITEM -1334352352 -1040132023:Shoulder Pads of Intuitive Grace\/a |
\aITEM -358063872 -1068724628:Sabre of Death Dealing\/a |
\aITEM -2047340429 -1214063554:Captain's Nightmarish Spaulders\/a |
\aITEM 1194816641 543375701:Darkened Naga Flesh Strap\/a |
\aITEM 915748422 1004012521:Illforged Tunic\/a |
\aITEM -1287293471 -1247022388:Vampiric Bracers Pattern\/a |
\aITEM -160200107 1219458709:[Voidsong Steel Gloves]\/a
GU51 |