
\aITEM -391362410 -1601632747:Aegis of the Amahn\/a |



\aITEM -541017650 1158857585:[Arc Knight Towershield]\/a |



\aITEM -1431923471 1512521510:Ashenclaw Crest\/a |

\aITEM 2052484907 -132302866:[Atramentous Omen]\/a |

\aITEM -1892643530 -1411917123:[Baneward, Barrier of Shadow]\/a |

\aITEM -2051380927 1737197523:[Barrier of the Ritualist]\/a |

\aITEM -1590605023 -1478106080:Blade Deflector of Dark Matter\/a |


\aITEM -1433036549 -2143352680:Blood Edged Buckler\/a |

\aITEM 111799729 -113332738:Blood Shield of the Seer\/a |

\aITEM -2100349839 966925321:Boneguard Tower\/a |

\aITEM -710242805 786830112:[Brace of Corporeal Darklight]\/a |


\aITEM -666354090 -716520521:[Brilliant Bladestopper Buckler]\/a |


\aITEM 1325858264 80961282:[Buckler of Flowing Rime]\/a |


\aITEM 727505453 1916701464:Buckler of the Monomaniac\/a |

\aITEM 452735118 1161150974:Buckler of the Planar Ettin\/a |

\aITEM -14735464 1669846735:[Buckler of the Voidbeast]\/a |





\aITEM -1064689873 1470758558:[Crystallized Buckler of Void Energy]\/a

\aITEM -76115417 261004591:Deathbone Lord's Buckler\/a |

\aITEM -536855080 -860199730:Deathbone Lord's Shield\/a |


\aITEM 1437829976 -124178831:Dinner Table of the Overcooked\/a |


\aITEM -1878023618 -1915181151:Elegant Towershield of the Ice Maiden\/a |


\aITEM -1154408341 -303273988:Enduring Wall\/a |

\aITEM -1142729822 581357847:[Ethernaut's Roundshield of Knowledge]\/a |



\aITEM 1220941270 1979425748:[Frozen Wall of Recollection]\/a |

\aITEM 48116516 1077976155:Ganak's Shield of Conquest\/a |

\aITEM -563395545 1498592629:[Gleaming Tower of the Conduit]\/a |

\aITEM 441738429 515438225:[Grease Pan of the Overlord]\/a |

\aITEM 1443343805 1613698761:[Harbinger of Malcontent]\/a |



\aITEM 1776875071 414451537:[Iced Buckler of Reminiscence]\/a |





\aITEM -1848488601 472820396:Leaf-covered Buckler of Rejuvenation\/a |




\aITEM 116862832 908677161:[Opal Edged Round Shield of Tears]\/a |


\aITEM -843718914 -1062609986:Prime Aegis Buckler\/a |





\aITEM 205146066 230342776:Ribcage Buckler\/a |

\aITEM 100301442 -1543400773:[Righteous Barrier of Devotion]\/a |


\aITEM 969121151 -1765750087:[Round Shield of Necrotic Deflection]\/a |

\aITEM 698890156 317164095:Round Shield of Virulent Deflection\/a |





\aITEM 90340196 -341905765:[Rune Covered Terrazite Round Shield]\/a |


\aITEM 225487662 -1852580784:Savage Wall\/a |



\aITEM -970032405 1775033333:Shield of Decay\/a |


\aITEM 449178898 -2061036650:Shield of the Dwarven King\/a |






\aITEM 196488468 1060704327:Sparerib's Dinner Plate\/a |


\aITEM -496936160 -1677422479:Spiked Buckler of the Deacon\/a |



\aITEM -1518653832 -1365649098:Stormbringer Bulwark of the Unstoppable\/a |


\aITEM 1599705436 1563717619:Tower of the Zekian Gore Lord\/a |



\aITEM -953830125 -1138547444:[Towershield of Ellusive Mist]\/a |

\aITEM 698458856 -888780565:[Tyrax's Round Shield]\/a |



\aITEM 174977704 -1207325271:Vioren's Forcefield\/a |


\aITEM 177662375 -1523084440:[Wall of Impenetrability]\/a |

\aITEM -200762374 -973465084:Wall of Monumental Discordance\/a |

\aITEM 1685184582 -1810870635:Wall of the Ettin Lord\/a |

\aITEM -1697473691 -636059126:Wall of Titanic Concussions\/a |

\aITEM 1961797787 -34531971:Ward of Glaciated Zeal\/a |

\aITEM -244736165 428130245:Wardancer Roundshield\/a |

\aITEM -1418893135 1093271270:Wheel of Nightmares\/a |

\aITEM -1046576652 -2095354493:[Ykeshan Battle Guard]\/a |


\aITEM -1487772962 -2031818945:Zealous Buckler of the Dominus\/a |