\aITEM -907692908 984029337:[Abomination-hide Breeches]\/a |

\aITEM 2052484907 -132302866:[Atramentous Omen]\/a |

\aITEM 1201011565 135790513:Bangle of the Depraved Shaman\/a |

\aITEM 566560114 1842422081:Battleaxe of Venom\/a |

\aITEM -2083136094 -1296747078:[Darkfelt Noose]\/a |

\aITEM 1496840907 -440540070:[Detestingly Crafted Brigandine Leggings]\/a |

\aITEM 1208853702 -1678823637:Diamond Rod\/a |

\aITEM 313007953 -1712039400:Engagement Ring of the Scorned\/a |

\aITEM -1186184969 -1441679287:Fiendish Dangle\/a |

\aITEM -1675235969 374183372:Hate-hardened Greaves\/a |

\aITEM -1380516606 601982759:Imbrued Chainmail Greaves\/a |

\aITEM 841690075 1508052928:Irritating Wool Cincture\/a |

\aITEM -1047017436 -260369428:[Malevolent Breeches]\/a |

\aITEM 1360782895 1949686245:Necklace of Woven Flesh\/a |

\aITEM 2077024365 1779249321:Recoiling Wrist Guard\/a |

\aITEM -217422824 2021767231:Revolting Choker\/a |

\aITEM -1261723679 -1916081150:[Shuddering Earring]\/a |

\aITEM 1583144702 1834056458:[Stud of Blackest Obsidian]\/a |

\aITEM -1617634582 305797385:Twisted Club\/a |