\aITEM -2100346808 2125700213:[Belt of the Noble Warrior]\/a |

\aITEM 255905934 -16057800:[Bracelet of Dark Energy]\/a |

\aITEM 1776801693 2011444575:Breastplate of Valor\/a |

Avatar of Valor
\aITEM -2019524924 -1715463342:[Charm of Mithaniel Marr]\/a |

Avatar of Tranquility
\aITEM 315491053 -1538748655:[Charm of Quellious]\/a |

Avatar of Health
\aITEM 1909247058 -2122517544:[Charm of Rodcet Nife]\/a |

Avatar of Growth
\aITEM -1890157935 -841683885:[Charm of Tunare]\/a |

\aITEM -282877506 -1063259084:Cuirass of the High Priest\/a

\aITEM 1412141532 1793770544:[Earring of the Enlightened One]\/a |

\aITEM 2092413663 1690432480:[Gussets of Marr's Chosen]\/a |

\aITEM 1748845593 -439030809:[Pantaloons of the Peaceful Visionary]\/a |

\aITEM -122436920 490662133:Ring of the Glade Protector\/a |

\aITEM 748875194 -2040922407:Spirit Draining Wristguard\/a |

\aITEM 1259636405 1967761045:[Symbol of the Faydark]\/a |

\aITEM 1318509152 1848372366:[Wu's Enlightened Chestwraps]\/a |