\aITEM -918351006 -2044767112:[Barrier of Elemental Lore and Understanding]\/a |

\aITEM 1648845347 577598868:[Barrier of Swirling Spirits]\/a |

\aITEM 1595480732 -1418312902:Barrier of Voltaic Destruction\/a |

\aITEM -1145426180 -1830818509:[Beacon of Loathing]\/a |


\aITEM -593285355 1896220798:Bookmark of Healing Text\/a |

\aITEM 1082116766 -77665598:Censer of Celestial Alignment\/a |



\aITEM 66372285 -444240726:Censer of Syllokk\/a |

\aITEM 1422984091 -312585352:[Contained Idol of Void Mist]\/a |

\aITEM 632356494 287452075:[Crystal Ball of the Depths]\/a |



\aITEM -101857019 -393874278:[Effigy of Rallos]\/a |


\aITEM -1700236124 -599538637:[Eye of Innoruuk]\/a |

\aITEM -1138998432 -1497442453:[Eye of the Death Master]\/a |

\aITEM 1446805721 -1357639368:[False Idol of the Sleeper]\/a |

\aITEM -1265611841 338327587:[Feathered Skull Fetish]\/a |

\aITEM 1897114572 690228137:Fierce Dwarven Brew\/a |


\aITEM 1906798748 -717975064:Focused Symbol of Rime\/a |

\aITEM 1081505664 727093380:Globe of World Domination\/a |


\aITEM 1011523541 1654370998:[Glowing Rune Covered Tome of Sorrow]\/a |



\aITEM -1052334673 1816418142:Hand of the Maestro\/a |


\aITEM 65139338 395569502:[Icebound Tome of Necrotic Theory]\/a |

\aITEM 754207407 1526774863:Iced Liquid Bravery\/a |

\aITEM 1073033485 2088768044:[Iced Liquid Courage]\/a |




\aITEM -1538488344 284208250:Leaf of Shredded Verses\/a |


\aITEM 501159679 -129507760:Melding Gemmed Barrier\/a |






\aITEM 1058355225 -1238617045:Orb of Coalescing Matter\/a |




\aITEM -2137031725 274297055:Orb of Oblivion\/a |

\aITEM 470176301 2043657245:Orb of Swirling Worlds\/a |


\aITEM -1588930949 861159895:Orb of the Cloud Breaker\/a |


\aITEM -171626497 726138156:Parmare Arcane Tome of Lore\/a |



\aITEM 419492267 1565562386:Scrying Orb of the Lich Lord\/a |


\aITEM -714968210 942351265:[Spun Symbol of the Arachnid]\/a |

\aITEM -1168557941 147603838:Staff of Limitless Growth\/a |

\aITEM 2007998423 1561213652:Star of Malice\/a |




\aITEM -426636637 196026891:[Symbol of Arcane Mastery]\/a |

\aITEM 686603929 -1355207397:Symbol of Banishing\/a |


\aITEM -167440631 -368502024:Symbol of Munderrad\/a |


\aITEM -55751431 -891627981:Symbol of Planar Calling\/a |

\aITEM 1294042802 -424183073:Symbol of the Befallen Soldier\/a |

\aITEM -504256631 2121313035:[Symbol of the Caller]\/a |

\aITEM -1839257348 1415656271:[Symbol of the Cornicen]\/a |

\aITEM 1259636405 1967761045:[Symbol of the Faydark]\/a |

\aITEM 4870439 -909546727:Symbol of the Horn Blower\/a |

\aITEM 359809926 261985479:Symbol of the Kromzek Magi\/a |

\aITEM 1322899088 1096655162:Symbol of Toxic Soothing\/a |


\aITEM 2068287287 -492642229:Tablet of the Lifegiver\/a |


\aITEM -214551419 1622580225:Terrolus' Ancient Stein\/a |




\aITEM 272285489 1124471807:Tome of Ravenous Undeath\/a |

\aITEM -369241177 -1868152187:Tome of the Visionary\/a |

\aITEM -1298077999 1105547169:Totem of the Grand Rallosian Arena\/a |

\aITEM -1602232641 1410454266:[Trakanon's Gaze]\/a |

\aITEM 1643590278 -46320571:[Trixy Cane of Trickery]\/a |

\aITEM -455598371 -681570544:Voice of the Herald\/a |

\aITEM 1240008577 -854648921:[Void-Touched Symbol of Calling]\/a |


\aITEM 371620088 -321828592:Wand of Scorching Steam\/a |

\aITEM -2019153056 -1535111571:Wand of Sunderous Withdrawl\/a |


\aITEM 415948237 748820690:Zekian Battlefield Trophy\/a |