\aITEM -1520078056 421092290:[Anarchy]\/a |

\aITEM -577006168 -1414673092:Bane of the Kromzek\/a |

\aITEM 28968694 1062240526:Benefaction\/a |

\aITEM -787130363 1701506985:[Blinding Light]\/a |

\aITEM 2102771362 1890063271:Dain's Legacy\/a |

\aITEM 2136792513 -1887128671:Deathless Devotion\/a |

\aITEM -717812049 -1179688909:Descent of Kael\/a |

\aITEM -1684452124 527003395:[Discretion]\/a |

\aITEM 684447325 -262301636:Draft of Velium\/a |

\aITEM 107906212 -912698492:Elemental Detonation\/a |

\aITEM 1274791025 -1021918008:[Evaded Blade]\/a |

\aITEM -1765792270 599203279:Eye of Rallos\/a |

\aITEM 1425059397 -1939415004:[Field of Battle]\/a |

\aITEM -598232076 629693733:Foundations of Stone\/a |

\aITEM 157400549 223483954:Glacial Deflection\/a |

\aITEM 213730803 -1329500887:Halcyon\/a |

\aITEM 987012064 -1019658640:Harrowing Winds\/a |

\aITEM 1660820805 2086901399:[Impeccable Scenario]\/a |

\aITEM -495288029 -2067740991:Manalink\/a |

\aITEM 1267161640 98919227:[Manastorm]\/a |

\aITEM 1108970621 209433966:[Obscurity]\/a |

\aITEM 1443872743 -1132855422:Oracular Perception\/a |

\aITEM 1476814692 546564164:Profane Madness\/a |

\aITEM 357121483 -625022229:Prophetic Affliction\/a |

\aITEM 70848758 956390065:Pure Viciousness\/a |

\aITEM 1336676494 -51085273:[Purification]\/a |

\aITEM 330299021 -480671636:Quenching Stream\/a |

\aITEM -383332896 -254926784:Relentless Will\/a |

\aITEM 2082065722 1574370:Resolution of War\/a |

\aITEM 918536570 -1565322570:Revered Lands\/a |

\aITEM -83012187 -664045655:Rime Strike\/a |

\aITEM -1439463804 1666671916:Smothering Affliction\/a |

\aITEM -1192115851 -1576953937:Split-Second Redemption\/a |

\aITEM -1476676774 1461968186:Steadfast Defiance\/a |

\aITEM 1984985956 -1582473228:Steadfast Resolve\/a |

\aITEM 192373197 503552177:Storm Essence\/a |

\aITEM 1798147184 -149418533:Strength Through Sacrifice\/a |

\aITEM 677087196 -1629765172:Subterranean Will\/a |

\aITEM -1238377566 354977574:[Tactical Advantage]\/a |

\aITEM 1373323331 1602934823:Torrent of Incantations\/a |

\aITEM -1689368468 -136960272:Torrent of Rime\/a |

\aITEM -1258727268 -1022902963:Torrent of Toxins\/a |

\aITEM 1329230626 -331677351:Total Annihilation\/a |

\aITEM 2002136382 959714349:Unleashed\/a |

\aITEM -2064689728 920302568:Velium Cipher\/a |

\aITEM -1260715349 -1594926727:Velium Dominion\/a |

\aITEM 335196732 -1414277953:Virulent Ire\/a |

\aITEM 495626562 433473712:Winds of the Tundra\/a |